Doctors for Road Safety organised the First Responder Doctors Training Course on the 3rd November 2018. This Course was directed at qualified Doctors who in the course of their daily routine, might encounter roadside accidents and who would usually stop and assist any casualties until help arrives.
During this edition of the First Responder Doctor Training, a total of 28 doctors completed the course, which was delivered by several Accident and Emergency Consultants and Specialists who are front liners in situations of road traffic accidents with severe casualties. The course content was designed to provide the medical doctors and students with the knowledge they would need in both theoretical and practical scenarios.
Attendees were provided with both the knowledge and equipment they would need in order to address common road traffic accident scenarios. Under these circumstances, individuals who find themselves in such accidents may benefit from receiving immediate medical attention by the First Responders prior to the arrival of an ambulance.
Dr Tonio Piscopo, Secretary of D4RS, later noted that on that same evening, the first use of the course was demonstrated through “an intervention by one of the doctors” who assisted at the roadside an individual who had a quadbike accident that occurred in Paceville.
This event was sponsored by MAPFRE Middlesea and Mater Dei Hospital.